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Christian Education – February 13, 2022 – The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self, Part 2

The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self: This Sunday we continued a new Christian Education series for adults built around Carl Trueman’s book, “The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self.” In many sermons I’ve mentioned the new “gospel of self,” the idea that truth, goodness, beauty, the key to a happy life and the resources to satisfy all of your longings lies within you. All you have to do is discover yourself and live in keeping with what you discover. Trueman’s book traces the development of this new gospel and why it has such a powerful hold on people’s hearts and minds. It is important for us to know as much about how people around us think as possible so that we can understand how they think and feel about the world and themselves and more effectively share the Gospel with them. You can buy the book here (and I encourage you to do so. If you need help, let me know) but I will teach the class in such a way that you can follow along even if you’ve never read it.

You can catch the class here, or in the window below.